
coleslaw – greek style

Making my own coleslaw – greek style, as you can get it at our Greek restaurant, has always been my goal. Tasty, crunchy, not too slippery and fresh. I worked on the recipe for a long time and tried out different recipes until I came up with “my recipe”. 

Coleslaw is very versatile. You can prepare it for Cologne tapas or a Bavarian snack, or make it to go with Greek meat dishes as a side dish. For the American variant cole slaw that is made with sour cream, I still have to provide a recipe.


1 small head of white cabbage
Olive oil
White wine vinegar
Parsley, cumin, paprika

The white cabbage is shaved into fine strips with a vegetable slicer and then kneaded with a good portion of salt.

Boil some water about 1/3 of the volume of the shredded cabbage, with sugar, 1 tbsp per 100 ml, and pour it over the cabbage. Add 20 ml white wine vinegar per 100 ml water and 1 tbsp olive oil.

Weigh down the cabbage with a plate that has as little clearance as possible from the bowl. Liquid should rise, cabbage should not. Now put the coleslaw in the fridge for 1-2 days.

Season the coleslaw

Depending on what I serve the coleslaw with, I add caraway seeds, paprika or parsley. I add these in chopped form after the first day.


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Good luck with your cooking!

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