Christof Wirtz, Hobbykoch und DJ

Christof Wirtz kocht

Christof Wirtz is the chef, born in ’67, married, one daughter and two dogs.

Christof Wirtz kocht
Christof Wirtz kocht


DJ Lauter Wirtz
DJ Lauter Wirtz


Pizza vom Gasgrill
Pizza vom Gasgrill

Passionate hobby cook, griller and DJ

Cookbooks are as exciting for me as a good novel. When shopping, I often stand next to the vegetables, the meat counter or the spice rack and start combining. What goes together, how do I have to prepare it and is the timing right for tonight?

My wife often asks me where I get the patience to still be so committed to the cooker in the evening. Well, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and for me, chopping and sizzling is relaxation.


Professionally, as a personnel consultant, I look for the right employees for medium-sized companies in technical fields. Finding the right ingredients for a dish and finding new employees have a lot in common.

Honorary office

I am still active in the JCI Senators Germany and remain connected to the Wirtschaftsjunioren Köln. In the past, I was also active in the scouts of the Wippera tribe in Leichlingen as a rover leader and treasurer. Whenever the opportunity arises, I am also involved in the PfiZeLa in Westernohe or in ladder planning.

I gave up my “liberal recipes” project in 2021 because it’s more appearance than reality, some leaders can’t be measured by their own digital standards, and as an “old white man” I tend to get in the way of modernisation rather than being able to help with expertise that no one seems to need anyway. In the end, I said to myself, before I waste my time and have to listen to everything from everyone, even though it has been said umpteen times, just not by everyone yet. The attempt to include technical content failed miserably. What remains is the domain

Let’s see, if they really have sensible recipes, they are welcome to acquire them from me. Alone, I lack hope.


Walking, cycling, making music (guitar, drums, singing, lyrics) and listening to it (more guitar), playing golf now and then as well as family, friends and dog fill my free time. In 2020 I built a barbecue shelter for my outdoor kitchen. Since 2013 I have been playing the trumpet in the Hofkapelle Leichlingen for the Blossom Saturday and St. Martin’s procession as well as for some selected projects.

From time to time I play for acquaintances and good friends. The name DJ Lauter-Wirtz goes back to a good friend whom I told about my plans to play more music again.

Lauter Wirtz
Lauter Wirtz


Grillunterstand 2022 in neuem Glanz zu Weihnachten
Grillunterstand 2022 in neuem Glanz zu Weihnachten


Der Hund bewacht den Grill
Der Hund bewacht den Grill

Goal of “Lecker Wirtz

With this blog I am starting something new (for me) and learning a lot about writing, photography, SEO and I am excited to see where the journey will take me.

On Facebook I started the group “Show us your dish” and the page “Lecker-Wirtz”. On Spices & Herb Mixes I publish my ideas for my own LeckerGeWirtz mixes.

You can find my channel on YouTube under Lecker-Wirtz YouTube. I have been building this channel since February 2021.

I was interviewed on German Food Blogs in March 2021. You can find the interview here.

Have fun browsing. I look forward to all your suggestions.

Good luck with your cooking!




First try to build an englisch landingpage on tasty-words. Here you can find the list of steps I did and what happened to the project.



#leckerwirtz #leckerwirds #christofwirtz #tastywords


Lecker Wirtz schwarz weiß




Christof Wirtz, Hobbykoch, Personalberater, DJ

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