Italienischer Nudelsalat

Italian pasta salad

Italian pasta salad, like many pasta salads, goes very well with a barbecue. Since it is based only on vinegar and oil, it is very light and yet full of flavour. In addition to the ingredients listed, courgette, cucumber, fennel, celery sticks, artichokes or tuna also go well with Italian pasta salad.


400 g pasta
1 bunch of rocket
1 red pepper
8 dried tomatoes
70 g Parmesan cheese
12 cherry tomatoes
50 g pine nuts
4 tbsp olive oil
5 stalks basil
2 tbsp white wine vinegar (or balsamic vinegar)
2 cloves of garlic
Pepper and salt

Prepare the dried tomatoes according to the recipe a few hours before or the day before.

Cook the pasta in salted water until al dente. Drain the pasta, mix with a little olive oil to prevent it from sticking together and leave to cool.

Roast the pine nuts in a pan without oil until golden brown. Grate the parmesan. Chop the pickled tomatoes, dice the peppers and halve or quarter the cherry tomatoes. Wash and chop the basil, wash and chop the rocket a little.

Mix the pasta with the other ingredients (except the pine nuts) and add a vinaigrette of olive oil, spices and balsamic or white wine vinegar.

The salad should now be left to stand in a cool place for another 3-4 days.


Season with salt, pepper and possibly a little balsamic vinegar. I add the toasted pine nuts at the very end, just before serving, to keep them crunchy.


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Enjoy your cooking!

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