Strammer Max - ein guter Start

Strammer Max – two fried eggs on raw ham and slices of bread

Strammer Max – two fried eggs on raw ham and slices of bread or “A sandwich with ham, a sandwich with egg”, as the Toten Hosen from Düsseldorf once sang – the dish Strammer Max is the appropriate answer and combines both. Typical German home cooking.

Sometimes it’s the little things that put you in a good mood.

The day starts with a good breakfast.

“Breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king and dinner like a beggar.” So the saying goes. In fact, nutrition experts are said to have found that people are better able to cope with this and are less likely to put on weight. Eating the most calorie-dense meal in the evening not only causes sleep disturbances and excessive thirst at night.

Originally, the dish Strammer Max is said to have come from Saxon or Berlin cuisine and has been one of THE fast food dishes on German menus for many years. The former meaning of the term “Strammer Max” is amusing, but has little to do with the dish as such.

Strammer Max – strammer Lotte

Correction. The picture actually shows the Stramme Lotte. Strammer Max is prepared with raw ham or bacon, as I recently read. Both dishes are, by the way, the often-mentioned home cooking.


2 slices of mixed bread
2 eggs
2 slices of raw ham (I added the “raw” after I learned that the dish with cooked ham is called stramme Lotte).
(1 slice of old Gouda)
salt and pepper
butter for frying

I heat the butter in a pan and toast the two slices of grey bread briefly on both sides. If you like, you can also fry the ham or place it raw on the bread on a plate. Then fry two fried eggs and put the slice of cheese (if you like that) on top. The egg yolk should still be slightly runny when you lift the two fried eggs onto the bread. Sprinkle with parsley or chives (I did it with oregano and parsley) and then sprinkle with salt and pepper to your taste.

Serve with tomatoes, cucumber or pickled gherkins.


Serve the dish taut max on a warmed plate with some bread. Ideal for breakfast or as a snack.

Enjoy your meal!


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Happy cooking!



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Lecker Wirtz schwarz weiß





Strammer Max, is the appropriate answer to almost everything – a good start!

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