Spinat mit Kartoffelbrei und Spiegelei

spinach with mashed potatoes and fried eggs

We usually have spinach with mashed potatoes and fried eggs, and not just on Maundy Thursday.


(for 4 people)

400 g frozen spinach
1 onion
600 g potatoes
250 ml milk
30 g butter
8 eggs
Salt and pepper

Peel the potatoes, slice or dice and bring to the boil in a little water with a little salt. Simmer for 20 minutes at low heat.

In the meantime, peel and chop the onion and sauté in a little oil or clarified butter (ghee). Add the frozen spinach and simmer, stirring occasionally. If you like, add some sliced garlic and a small dash of vinegar.

Melt the butter in a non-stick frying pan and add the beaten eggs. Fry gently over a medium heat.

Drain the potatoes, mash them, add the milk and butter and a little nutmeg and mix vigorously with a whisk until the desired consistency is reached. If necessary, add a little milk or, alternatively, mashed potato powder.

Season the spinach with salt, pepper and nutmeg. If you like, add turmeric and/or paprika powder.

Arrange everything on plates and serve hot.


Please send any questions or suggestions to: wirtz@lecker-wirtz.de

Happy cooking!

#leckerwirtz #leckerwirds #meinkochplatz #spinat #gründonnerstag #spiegelei #osteressen

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Spinat mit Kartoffelbrei und Spiegelei zu Gründonnerstag.

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