Ein Mann in knielanger, beider Hose und einem roten Poloshirt steht vor einem selbstgebauten Grillunterstand aus Paletten. Des Weiteren sieht man einen Gasgrill, ein Fass Kölsch, Barhocker, eine Gasflasche und einen Sonnenhut.

Bulding my barbecue shelter out of pallets

The Corona Summer 2020 and our cancelled holiday enabled me to realise a project I had been planning for a long time: to build my own barbecue shelter out of pallets. In the following, you will find information on conversions and reports on the longevity or short life of the individual components.

Planning, preparing, building

Planning phase

First I thought about the size and arrangement of the pallets, first on paper and then virtually in 3D in a freely accessible CAD.

Grillunterstand 3D CAD
Grillunterstand 3D CAD
Pappmodell Grillunterstand
Pappmodell Grillunterstand

I also built a cardboard model of the future barbecue hut to convince the part of my family that can’t do anything with drawings and CAD, i.e. everyone except me, of the idea.

The parts list

8 Euro pallets
4 posts (for the roof)
2 5 m and 2 2m crossbars (for the roof)
A roll of roofing paper (1m would have been more than enough!)
Corrugated plastic (roof) – not a good idea, see below!
Angles and straight pieces of metal
and various screws


I spent the first two weekends in beautiful weather and bright sunshine in the garden sanding, priming, glazing, sanding again glazing until I had finished all 8 pallets. The one or other cool beer helped against sweat and thirst.

Paletten Schleifen
Paletten Schleifen


Grillunterstand Rohbau
Grillunterstand Rohbau
Rohbau Grillunterstand


The actual barbecue shelter was then quickly screwed together the following weekend. Enclosed is the finished barbecue hut.

Grillunterstand aus Paletten
Grillunterstand aus Paletten


Deko für Grillunterstand


Grillunterstand bei Nacht
Bei Nacht


After I had comfortably furnished my new barbecue hut, I hung lighting under the roof for cosy barbecue evenings so that you can see what’s sizzling on the barbecue in the evening.

Now I just have to find the right recipes.

Please send any questions or suggestions to: wirtz@lecker-wirtz.de



after 4 months

The barbecue hut works well and we have already held several barbecue evenings (privately with the family) and a cooking event in the summer (with distance and mask) with it.

My crown cork collection, which I nail to the column, is growing and thriving.

When it rains, it provides shelter when barbecuing and also screens the barbecue and smoker well. Unfortunately, I’ve already had a hailstorm that punched 4 thick holes in the corrugated plastic. I’ll have to do it again next year and think of something else. I had originally thought of wooden boards with roofing felt, but that was too complicated for me because of the installation.

I’ll ask the DVD (my trusted roofer) what he thinks.

I’ll report back here on how it goes.

After 7 months

The shelter survived the storm and snow well. Everything stayed dry.

BUT in November there was a short, heavy hailstorm. My roof now has 6 holes. Unfortunately the quality of the corrugated plastic was not good enough. I have to come up with something else. As a tip I got truck tarpaulin, which is fixed with explosive screws. However, I have to reduce the distances between the rafters, otherwise there will be water pockets.

Summer 2021 – After one year

So far everything has remained intact and we have grilled, smoked and steamed a lot more than in previous years. Our dog guards the barbecue as soon as I start the preparations.


Der Hund bewacht den Grill
Der Hund bewacht den Grill


Grillunterstand bei Nacht
Grillunterstand bei Nacht

Summer 2022 – The paint is off!

The winter storms and several hailstorms have shown that the corrugated plastic sheets used are not as suitable as hoped. In the meantime, larger holes have appeared and in some places 5 to 10 cm sections have been torn away by the wind.

A first attempt to solve the problem with multi-skin sheets failed. At the moment I’m working on a version made of wooden slats, which will be sealed with roofing felt at the top.

As soon as I have pictures, the update will come.

End of October 2022

After a lot of back and forth, I decided to buy the corrugated metal sheets. The deciding factor was the question “What is the best way to attach the corrugated sheets to the wood”. I decided to glue them with mounting glue.

After unscrewing the old plastic plates, it took about 1.5 hours to glue the new plates on. I’m curious to see if and how long the whole thing will last.

Ein neues Dach aus Wellblech für meinen Grillunterstand
Ein neues Dach aus Wellblech für meinen Grillunterstand

Christmas 2022

So far, a good 2 months, the glue has held wood and metal together. However, the old light chain has given up the ghost. I gave it a new one for Christmas.

Grillunterstand 2022 in neuem Glanz zu Weihnachten
Grillunterstand 2022 in neuem Glanz zu Weihnachten


Stay tuned!


#grillort #grillunterstand #paletten #palettenmöbel #meinkochplatz #leckerwirtz #leckerwirds #wellblech #montagekleber

Lecker Wirtz schwarz weiß





Grillunterstand aus Palettenholz selber entwickelt, gebaut, benutzt, geändert und gefreut, dass ich es gemacht habe.

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